Friday, 6 September 2013

Back to School 2013

We prepared for school in a few ways... We started a countdown on Sienna's whiteboard chart 10 days ahead, visited the school, classroom, bathrooms, ECE and principal, and reviewed a book of classmates' pictures from last year. We also talked about the bus and her new routine of going to before-school care. I also made up a visual for what we do after school so Sienna knew what to expect in that time frame before going to bed. I didn't want to talk about it too much because I was thinking it might cause her more anxiety. After her first week, it seems as though we did the right things. She's had few meltdowns and some hit and misses with the sleeping and pooping. Here's a recap.

Excited every day to go to before-school care. Great first 3 days for toileting: 2, 0 (!!), 1 accident(s). Friday... Not so much. 6! Only a few meltdowns this week. Up 2 nights with night terrors. 

Some amazing triumphs?... Cleaned off her own dinner dish and put it in the sink without being asked! We rarely even ask her to do that!! Mornings have been relatively smooth. We established that after dressing, bathrooming, and tooth brushing, she will watch one show (from pvr... because if we ever had to leave partway through a show, not gonna happen!). So although it was not always what I wanted to do every day in the summer, it seems to have paid off. She loves the before school care provided by the YMCA and I do too. The young lady who runs it seems to have a very structured and organized system and also appears to understand Sienna's needs well. What more could I ask for? Makes me hopeful for next summer's YMCA camps. I hope they will suit our family's needs! 

Week 2 has been just as good with mood and sleeping if not better. Just a few meltdowns and only one night terror. Toileting... Still a mystery. Today is Friday and there were 4 pairs of soiled underwear in her backpack when she got home and another accident just after I sent her to the bathroom! I asked her if she had clean underwear and she said yes and I really think she believed that. I don't think she evens knows sometimes that she's gone...

Tonight (Friday) she had quite a meltdown when it was shower time. Having said that, I'm so glad she has finally adjusted to showers and not baths. Gross! You can imagine how "un"clean a bath might be for her. Anyway, the meltdown was trying to move her from the iPad to the shower. Problem is, if you're not very specific as to the number of videos she can watch before moving away from it, explaining what will happen after the last video, and getting a verbal response, you're in for it. I have said many times that the ipad is not to be used after dinner. Her dad and I have differing views on that topic. But that's the way the cookie crumbles... Can't always agree.

I sent a note this week to the EA who takes her to the washroom to find out the times she is going and it's the same as last year and what we tried to stick to in the summer. I'm putting her back on the stool softener because after looking through our school-home communication sheets, she has had very few full, normal sized BMs over the last 2 weeks. We'll see what happens.

All in all, I'm happy and very proud of her. In comparison to last September, she has come a long way. And I love that she goes to school and all the kids say hi to her. There is a group of grade 8 girls who are always there when I drop her off and they're so sweet and friendly. It's a nice feeling as a patent to know she is adored by lots of people... Other than me!